Absences, Tardies, and Early Dismissals
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is essential to success in school. It has been documented that attendance directly affects student achievement and MCAS success. When a child is absent, parents are obligated to notify the school. Children must bring a written note explaining the reason for the absence when they return to school. For vacations or prolonged absences, please notify the office and make arrangements with the classroom teacher.
Students are tardy when they arrive at school after 8:35am. Children who arrive late to school must report to the office accompanied by an adult before reporting to class. If you drop your child off by car or if they walk to school, students may be dropped off at school at 8:10 am. There is not staff here to supervise students prior to 8:10, so for your child's safety, please do not drop them off before 8:10.
Early Dismissals
Any child who needs to be dismissed early from school for a doctor appointment or for other reasons must have a note to present to his/her teacher informing the school of the change in dismissal. Please understand that call-in dismissals during the last half hour of school (between 2:30-3pm) are more difficult to manage. If you are dismissing your child, it is imperative that you send a note in on the day of dismissal. If a change occurs and you need to dismiss your child in a different manner, please call before 2:30 so that we can be sure to get to the student/teacher/patrol and know that the information has been transferred accurately.
Changing Dismissal Procedures
At the beginning of the school year a form is sent home for you to select your dismissal choice for your child. It is very important that you notify the school office in writing of any changes to your child's usual dismissal routine, if any occur during the school year. Please include the date, name and class of student when notifying the school of such change.