Breakfast club parent drop off at the main entrance is ok until 7:45 am. Please do not park in the fire lane.
After 7:45 am, no drop offs in the main parking lot. It is a safety issue with staff arriving in the lot.
Parents, please be aware of the students being dropped off at Saltonstall in the morning.
Children are crossing at Herrick Road and there is not a crossing guard. Many mornings cars are moving quickly through that area and could pose a danger to the children. Please use caution.
Please do not drop off students in the bus drop off area. Students are walking onto the playground and again it poses it a safety issue.
And a reminder, no pets are allowed on the school grounds.
During Afternoon Pick Up
Car Pick up - In an effort to keep the car pick up line moving and safe for everyone, please:
Stay in your car, do not get out to greet or buckle your child in.
Do not use cell phones or have your car idling.
Move forward once you have picked up your child, do not turn around and go back down the street
Please do not get out of your car to greet your child
Cars should enter Saltonstall from Waverly Road by making a left hand turn. Cars should not be waiting in front of the school, making a right hand turn onto Waverly Road. Students are crossing the street in various patrols there and it is very dangerous.
Please have the name of the students being picked up posted largely and clearly in the front windshield of your car.
Patrol One Parents: Please do not stand on the lawns or sit on the stoops of the houses across the street. It is private property and we want to be considerate of the residents. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping all of our students safe.